Faith Communities
Question #1. How does this institution/system (e.g., Mental Health System) contribute to/perpetuate racism and racist violence and other daily atrocities visited upon people of color?
The idea that they are unique in themselves, focus on themselves and not look outside of themselves.
Don’t see themselves as responsible for outside issues.
Unaware of structural racism in society.
Easy to shy away, to do what’s easy and comfortable?
See it as someone else’s problem.
Seattle nice – Church nice, hard to get to the level of honesty on the hard stuff.
Writing checks to fund things, maintains and serves power, dynamics, the White Saviors.
No diversity in clergy diversity.
Not willing to engage on the ground.
Fear, Negativity, Greed Timidity.
Question #2. What should have been done before the massacre in Charleston – what are the signs that we missed/are missing as a community in this area (e.g., Mental Health System)? Why does it take a massacre for so many white allies to recognize everyday racism and stand up to speak against it?
Background checks should be completed.
Question #3. What specific actions can you take as an individual post – massacre – to eliminate racism in (e.g., the Mental Health System) in the Seattle area? In the US? Give Specific action recommendations.
Beloved conversations; having people of color in conversation with white people talking about race, a lot of people have never sat down together to talk.
Choosing relationship over being right. Go to a black church.
Challenge housing practices and landlords to not out –price people from neighborhoods.
Learn more about and own white privilege.
Invite Mary’s Place into our church.
Speak out at fair housing and gun control.
Show up to rallies.
Use the pulpit.
Preaching on race, Labor Day.
Invite people to show up at things like this.
Learn about the history of how we ended up in white neighborhood communities.
Do whatever it takes, using your skills and gifts, to build relationships with diverse communities over the long term.