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From Our Pastor

On behalf of First AME Church, we are extremely honored to extend a welcome to our guests and friends visiting our website.  We consider ourselves blessed and highly favored    to serve the people of God through the preaching of the Gospel, being a welcoming community to our neighbors, and to build up the total person both spiritually and physically.  The doors of our church as well as the doors of our heart are open and we are here to assist you in anyway that we can.

First African Methodist Episcopal Church -Seattle


One church, Two locations


North Campus

1522 14th Avenue, Seattle, WA.

Early Sunday Morning Worship - 7:30 a.m.

Church School - 9:30 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m.

1522 14th Ave  Seattle, WA 98122

5th Sundays: FAME Seattle Worship is 10am


South Campus 

27616 46th Ave. South

Morning Worship - 9:30 a.m.

Worship Services


To be viewed as a Christ-centered, welcoming community of faith to everyone, that is heart-driven, mission oriented, evangelistic, and accountable to God first and to each other.


To make disciples for Jesus Christ to transform our community and our wold back to God.

Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson and First Lady Phyllis Gearring-Anderson

© African Methodist Episcopal Church-Seattle. 2015    |    website by Hiawatha D. 

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Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Carey G. Andersonand First Lady Phyllis Gearring-Anderson

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