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 Young People's Department 



1. To provide meaningful youth training programs in all         areas of church life which will provide for full                   participation in the total mission of the church?

2. Educational Programs designed to increase knowledge       of the African Methodist Episcopal Church History and       Scriptures.

3. To provide opportunity for leadership experience.



1. To organize and develop a Young People’s and                   Children’s Division wherever there is a Senior Society. 2. To interest Christian convictions into action in all of           their daily relationships.

3. To develop leadership committed to Christ and church. 4. To acknowledge and appreciate the total process of           Leadership and Following: Directors-Officers-Youth.

5. To stimulate an interest in the historical background of     their communities and the A.M.E. Church.

6. To have youth know the historical background of the         African Methodist Episcopal Church and the                       Connectional Women’s Missionary Society.

7. To do our best in helping make God’s kingdom come on     earth, as it is in heaven.

Children's Church

VISION: Creating early building blocks for a well balanced spiritual life through LOVE of God our Father, Christ our Redeemer and service to humankind.

MISSION:  To promote a Christian centered environment that encourages children to continue their faith learning and building a lasting relationship with Christ through: study of the bible, teaching of scripture, AME Order of Worship, sharing exciting presenters - music, song, dance, drama, art, other creative forms of worship expression and showing respect for one another.


Children's Church meets the third Sunday of every month at 11:00 a.m. in the Leona B. Jones Fellowship Hall.  Age Level:  5 to 11 years old.  Parents are encouraged to join with their children during Children's Church.


 Youth Ushers 

Youth Ushers serve as Doorkeepers and respond to the needs of the Congregation in Worship Service on the Fourth Sunday of each month.



Fourth Saturday of each month

at 9:30am

Altar Guild/Acolytes

The Altar Guild/Acolytes assist with the beginning and the ending of the worship service. Acolyte means a "companion" or "one who helps." This ministry is open to our youth members who will be serving as a companion or helper to our pastor: performing a number of important functions before, during and at the close of the worship service.


© African Methodist Episcopal Church-Seattle. 2015    |    website by Hiawatha D. 

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Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Carey G. Andersonand First Lady Phyllis Gearring-Anderson

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